Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Such a simple word

Used a lot.

As a formal greeting.


With an equal response.

Spread hellos to the world.

To make people happy.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


What is perfect?


The best?

But there isn't perfect.


Everyone has a different perspective.

Their perfect might be different than yours.

Maybe their perfect includes green.

Maybe yours includes blue.

So what is perfect?

If everyone has a different opinion?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Needs a helping hand.

Too many problems.

So many stories.

From an 9.2 earthquake.

To a tsunami.

Radiation problems.

This country has helped us.

Technology that we use today.

Toys we play with.

If what happened there.

Happened here.

Wouldn't you want support?

It's like a test.

What's your answer?

Press here to see Japan.

Before and after.

It's so sad.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


All of them.

One after another.

Non stop.

Even though.

Honesty is the best policy.

As said by a man.

William Shakespeare.

But how do we know,

He is not a liar himself?

Or the quote is a lie?

Everything in this world might be a lie.

How do you know what's the truth?

But where is the truth without lies?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Everyone gets bored

Once in a while


Or even always

Some people's lives are full of excitement

Other's are full of work


But does that make them not bored?

In a way yes,

In another no.

It depends on what they are doing.

A person with a fun job

Would like it.

And vice-versa.

Are you bored now?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


60 seconds

In a minute

60 minutes

In an hour

24 hours

In a day

7 days

In a week

4 weeks (approx)

In a month

12 months

In a year

10 years

In a decade

10 decades

In a century

How many seconds are there in a century?

2,903,040,000 maybe?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tick Tock

Tick tock

Tick tock

The clock goes

Tick tock

All night

Balanced between the ticks

And tocks

It makes a good beat

But it sometimes is annoying

But that doesn't stop it from going

Tick tock

Sunday, March 13, 2011


If you have experienced the sound

Of one song

You would straight away know

What I am talking about

The beat

The lyrics

The music

The artist

These are all important things to make a song perfect

How does a song get popular

It depends on the listener

Like you

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Never stops

Tick tock


Is it?

Or will there be a day?

Where time stops?

When will that day come?

Who knows?

Maybe not today.

Maybe not tomorrow

But someday

Time will stop.

Friday, March 11, 2011


My troubles are gone

I get a break

I wake up happy

I feel genuine to myself

Without all my problems following me like a curse

I feel empathy towards my past life

But today finally

It's a new day! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

From Scratch

From the beginning

All the way

No head-starts

All alone

With only tips to start

Like everyone else 

You have to start from scratch

From a no-know baby

Sunday, March 6, 2011


If life were backwards

Then a person would come out of death

And live

From an old human

Getting younger

Then they would be a wo/man

Then a teen

Then a child

Then a baby

But then where would their memories go?

Too many pros and cons

So let's leave life this way!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I thought I'd never say this

But here I am thinking

What am I thinking about?

I am thinking about sporadic things

No topic

Our thoughts lead us to other places

They open up doors of imagination

Things you never knew

You can think about whatever you want

Because thoughts don't have limits

Are thoughts unstoppable?

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Do you trust everything you hear?

If you trusted someone

Then they fool you

How would you feel?

Do you trust what the news always says?

Do you believe in advertisements?

Trust is a good thing

But when do you know when you should


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Somethings never change

They always stay the same

Other things change

Almost never stay the same

It's all balanced to keep us good.

One slight change 

Might change the world

It doesn't matter what you want

Or what you don't

Things might always or never


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


To your mailbox so innocently they come

Closed until you open it

Two questions.

Is it good news?

Or bad news?

Only one solution

You open it

And see

What is in this envelop.

Hooray or boohoo

It all depends on what is in this envelop